Ok, ok...many have complained about the lack of an engagement posting, but let's face it, all of those people have heard about it already!
Yes, as of Christmas Eve, I am engaged to marry Steven Suits. He flew to Orlando to surprise me...and it worked! It's strange how even though we had talked about the prospect of marriage, it's a totally different feeling and mindset when the question has been presented and the ring is on your finger. (If you haven't heard the whole story, and want to hear it, just tell me...and let me just say, it's a GOOD story)
So, now we have about a million decisions to make. Actually, I hope it's more like 200...225... because we've decided to make a decision a day (and truthfully, we haven't exactly held to that). If you know either of us, you know that decisions are not our "thing"...it's more like I break into a cold sweat and he gets a migraine. So, pray for us!
The big day, forebearing any unseen conflicts, is October 14, 2006. Mark your calendars!