The countdown has begun. Well, we've been counting down since Christmas Eve when we got engaged, but let's say the countdown seems to be speeding up. We are within a week of being married. I have these little reality check moments where I can't believe it. It's so surreal. You try to picture these moments from the time you're little, and then they arrive, and it feels so strange it's as though you've never even considered them. It's not like, "This is how I thought this would be," or "This isn't how I thought it would be." It's just as though I've never given it a thought at all. Maybe that makes no sense to anyone else, but that's the only way I can explain it.
In any case, this is my last Sunday as a single person. Not that there's anything significant about Sunday because I'll be saying that about Monday, tomorrow. I'm just trying to process that at this time next week, I'll be married and on my honeymoon. Not just married, but I'll be a wife, and I'll have a husband. All of those things, while seemingly synonymous, carry their own weight and significance. I got used to having a fiance. This is totally different.
Let me clarify, for those who might fear I will be the next runaway bride, that I am extremely excited. I am just incredibly analytical and introspective (those who have read this before are giving a big, "duh" right now). I cannot wait to marry Steven. Not just to be married, as there is a great fear among single women that they will remain that way, but to marry Steven. He is my best friend, and I can't believe how God has worked to bring us to this point of being the match for the other. I can rest assured that our love is strong, our commitment is eternal, and that our life will never be boring. And I do use the singular "life" because on Saturday, we will merge two lives into one. That's the beauty of it all.