A little over a year ago, we were about to meet a new life and start a new Life. We had planned, shopped, received, cleaned, set up, read, researched, hoped, wished, prayed. We were ready. We were looking forward. Now, just 13 months later, we still look forward, but we are also looking back. Already.
Already, a trip away no longer requires thoughts of bottles, a pump, coolers and containers for milk, or even baby food. Just a few months ago, I was studying what foods to start first and how to make my own baby food. Now, we are already practically finished nursing, and our boy loves to eat big people food. Today, I put away a never-got-filled bottle that was waiting to be used but is no longer needed, as well as a bottle drying rack that has taken up space on our counter since the day he got home... you know, just the other day.
Already, I have packed away more clothes than I originally washed, folded, and put on hangers and in drawers in preparation for our growing arrival. Already, we have put away a swing, jumper, activity mat, and other things that it seems we just set up so recently. He's too big for them, now.
Already, his first birthday - the party, the cake smashing, the pictures, the presents - has come and gone. Our "firsts" have already turned into "seconds" as a year was completed and another rolls on.
Already, we had to set up a baby gate to keep him from going upstairs- a gate that we, sadly, didn't research before registering for because even though we knew we'd need one eventually, it was so far away. But this mover is already climbing.
Already, he needs a bigger carseat. He hangs over the end of the infant seat, and it's getting too heavy to carry.
Already, our baby is starting to talk. He signs to us to communicate his needs. He smiles and laughs to indicate what he likes. He tries to copy what we do. Already, he's not as much a part of us, but is becoming his own person.
Everyone likes to say, "It goes by so fast," and, "Cherish every moment." Some people might need these reminders. Not me. I need someone to remind me that great things are ahead. That he's getting to a fun age where we can do more as a family. That more exciting milestones are ahead to enjoy. Already, my baby is being replaced by a toddler. Toddlers are fun, but they're not babies. And toddlers turn into preschoolers who turn into big kids. You may be looking at your high school senior and wondering where the time went. I'm looking at my baby boy and wondering the same thing. Already.