Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Today and Yesterday

Today, Judah opened the doors for me as we left school/work/church. This is significant for two reasons. One is that it is maybe the first step in his formal southern gentleman training. The second reason it stands out to me is that yesterday, he couldn't do it. He's tried a few times and I either step around the stroller and help or someone else steps up to assist when it becomes obvious that he's not quite going to make it on his own. This happened just yesterday, in fact. But today, he did it by himself. Two doors - each in turn opened and held proudly for his mama. He and I both commented on his great strength. But the point is, I witnessed a milestone. I've witnessed many, but only a few have struck me with the idea that today he can do something that, literally, YESTERDAY he could not do. It is such a blessing to watch someone grow up. It is simultaneously miraculous and heartbreaking. The things that I wish he could do now, one day, he'll be able to do them, and my baby will slip away a little more. Today, I'm going to savor what he can't do, because tomorrow he may be proudly standing beside his next accomplishment saying, "I can do it, Mama" and needing me a little less.