Friday, April 06, 2012

What's up.

I need to write.  There is too much jumbled up stuff in my brain lately and whenever that happens, the paper or, in this case, the screen, helps me sort it all out and find things that I didn't even know were in there.  Maybe what I really need is to go find a journal.  Yes, I should probably do that, too.  But, perhaps since I spend so much time reading status updates and whatnot, I'm feeling drawn to the blog.  I don't even really care if no one else reads it.  In fact, in a way, I'd rather not be so public.  So why am I here?  Ease?  Availability?  I'll consult the journal and get back to you.

1 comment:

Steaky said...

I keep journals...I love to put my thoughts down on paper to unclutter my brain...since starting in 2010, I'm on my fourth journal...I sketch, jot down poems, complaints, devotions, prayers, etc...just anything that needs to come out...I look forward to keeping up with your blog. :)