Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Mindless Ritual

I am so sick. I'm tired, too, but sick expresses it better. The bible tells us to praise the Lord with everything we have. It tells us to shout, even! So why is it that the "best" and "wisest" among Christians protest anything other than solemnity and ritualistic practice? I am sick, I tell you! And why does it matter whether or not we wear robes, or cute little matching outfits, or sombreros? If Jesus were here, he would be appalled, but not so much about the world- we expect these things from them- no, He would be disgusted with the pious. He would say, "Stop it! This is meaningless ritual! This is not what's important! You are MISSING IT... and you are missing me."

How long will church members continue to quench the Holy Spirit? How long will we inhibit those who would come to Christ if they were shown His relevance to their modern lives? How long will we refuse to change our minds, refuse to try something new, refuse to sacrifice tradition for the sake of true worship?

Paul told the Corinthians that he resolved to know nothing but Christ and Him crucified. I claim to know nothing but that we must worship Him, and lead others to do the same. It was that for which we were created and His glorification is our purpose.


Anonymous said...

Preach Girlfriend :)

warmfuzzies said...

That is so tue! Especially about people not wanting to try out new things. I think some people get so caught up with keeping things the same that they miss some dangerous signs that they must move on and not stand stagnent where they are.