Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Little of Life Right Now

So, here's the thing... the thing is, my posts are mostly serious. Now, there's nothing wrong with being serious or insightful. And I did warn my readers that a major quirk, if you will, of mine is that I am over-analytical. However, after reading the blogs of several friends, I realize that mine is missing a lighthearted side. (There were some non-deep things around Christmas, but I'm sort of overlooking those for the time being). I'm a lighthearted gal (did I just say "gal"?) so I think I need more posts about the lighter side of life. For one thing, because I rarely post, I think I've come to feel that anything worthy of writing about should be significant. The flip side of this being that if I wrote more often, I could write "lighter," and vice versa. Here's the other thing: when I'm not writing about something serious, I tend to ramble in randomness. Thus, the title of this blog.

Today I am an english/drama teacher. No, I am a person sitting in an english/drama classroom for the purpose of keeping order. Despite that, I thought to myself today, "I like subbing." And since that is my present "career" (I use that word lightly), I think it is good that I like it. The part I don't like is having to be mean. Don't get me wrong- I'm good at it. I just need to find a balance between meanness and love- discipline and compassion. I suppose parents know what I'm talking about.

I have lately been floating between two musicals. Neither seems like it will be ready for performance in time. In one, I dance. In the other, I teach others to dance. I enjoy both, but it can be stressful. Nonetheless, I am doing what I love and, in one case, getting paid for it. As Kathie Lee Gifford once sang in a commercial from my childhood, "Who could ask for anything more?" (Sorry Gershwin)

Well, speaking of the previous two paragraphs, I should use this planning period to work on choreography stuff. I hope you enjoyed the randomness. Maybe there will be more to follow. One of these days I'm going to get totally wild and do a LIST!

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

You, lighthearted? Steven must have had some effect on you! =) Yes, finding the balance between mean and love when it comes to discipline is tough, but it'll come. Hey, aren't you just one semester of student-teaching away from becoming a music teacher? Join the ranks! It's the greatest job in the world!